Quit Smoking Methods for Beginners

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There are lots of quit smoking methods available for us to use if we decide to quit smoking and live a healthier, more productive life. In this blog Quit Smoking Methods for Beginners, I will wholeheartedly distribute to everyone (especially those people who are beginners and are trying to quit smoking for the first time) all my methods I used to quit my habit and I will present natural ways to quit smoking without the help of medications and synthetic treatments. You should read all the articles about quit smoking methods provided here as I will update this blog almost everyday for you to realize that it is possible to kick that bad habit and beat nicotine addiction on your own. You should consider all the tips to quit smoking and I am sure you can accomplish quitting smoking in just a few days. I will guarantee you that you can get out of the addiction by simply doing all the methods to quit smoking I present and you will gain the benefits of quitting smoking which I am enjoying right now.

Quit Smoking Methods for Beginners blog was made to provide quit smoking methods to help quit smoking cigarette to any individual who has been hooked to nicotine addiction for any given time. I will share all my experiences on how I managed to quit smoking and how I get out of nicotine addiction all by my self. It is very possible to give up that smoking habit by simply doing the right attitude and applying quit smoking methods I learned in my journey. I will also share to you step by step procedures on how to quit smoking and tell you all my experiences while I am on the voyage of my quitting smoking agenda.

The main key of this blog is to help smokers especially those heavy or “chain smokers” who are hooked to smoking cigarettes in a very long period of time. There are many individuals, who are addicted to smoking, and are trying to quit smoking but do not meet success because of lack of knowledge on how to properly approach the methods to quit smoking. Everyday in their lives, they are trying hard to quit smoking but can’t put their feet into victory and can’t get the result they want due to ignorance of the issue. I used to be in this kind of situation as well. I used to smoke for nearly two decades and I don’t believe there are easy ways to quit smoking cigarette and I pay no attention to people who tells me that there are natural ways that I can use to be able to beat my nicotine addiction because negative feelings are always on the way whenever I tries to quit smoking. I always wanted to be a no-to-cigarette individual and I always want to be a smoke free person but because of my negative thoughts I am beaten by so much negativity.

Just before, I don’t trust these natural methods or procedures in dealing with this kind of addiction, the addiction to nicotine. I am always against the opinion that there are effective methods to quit smoking. On the other hand, there are many easy ways to quit smoking on your own and all you need is to open your eyes to get a glance of the basics. I have faith that I don’t need to spend a lot of money just to enroll in a NLP crash course or a hypnotherapy session that talks about how I can really quit smoking cigarettes. I don’t need to spend huge amount of money and enroll in a seminar that discusses how I can really quit smoking. There is no need for me to waste my precious time just being in front of a hypnotist doing in my subconscious hypnotherapies which I really can’t understand the principle behind.

There are different methods that are available in every book in the internet or even at the local bookstore. Those books contain articles about quit smoking programs and articles about quit smoking methods. These articles are written by medical professionals whose main specialization is on nicotine addiction, how to overcome it and articles about cigarette smoking cessation. They also talk about quit smoking products and quit smoking aids which are scientifically proven. These medical experts that give advice to heavy smokers how to totally quit smoking claims that their methods to quit smoking can really help a person to kick the terrible habit. They write about those “how to stop smoking” e-books with articles about how an individual who are addicted to nicotine in a very long time can really beat the addiction. They even include the stories and remarks of recovering smokers who already quit smoking and their testimonies about the quit smoking products and how effective the quit smoking program is. It seems that people from all over the world has something to share about their struggles and how they successfully quit smoking by means of the products, procedures, and aids and quit smoking methods that the medical experts sell.

When I decided to quit smoking (just recently), I know I had a lot of bad and good things to expect. I always ask what to expect when I quit smoking. I understand that there are negative effects, physically and emotionally, if a person decides to stop smoking cigarettes and is going through a smoking cessation treatment. I expect to encounter a lot of negative situations when quitting smoking. It is difficult for a beginner to stop smoking because he doesn’t have any ideas of what to expect. I realize that there are much work to do and the methods to quit smoking for beginners requires more work than in the process of quitting alcohol. It is more strenuous and it is harder especially when I have no one to watch over me and help me to quit smoking. It is even harder when in the midst of quitting smoking; I have no one to turn to who can assist me like an online resource or online help to quit smoking. I can’t imagine all those days when I am starting to know the basics on how to quit smoking. I am very helpless and very much depress that I nearly give up in my quitting scheme.

I don’t consider my self as an “addiction expert” especially in terms of quitting smoking. My quit smoking methods which I basically learned from my experiences turn into some kind of wisdom and I am able to beat my addiction in one way or another and it is a confirmation that it is possible to get out of nicotine addiction and live a better life. It is a pleasure for me that I can share to others my knowledge in smoking cessation and I know that you are willing to quit smoking and are trying to stop smoking by any means. The fact that you find this blog proves that you are seeking for quit smoking methods because you want to end the terrible habit that you know can ruin your life in the future. It is normal that you experience relapse and smoke again in your first time of quitting. I believe that beginners in quitting smoking will actually have a relapse in the starting point but should always willing to try because there is no harm in trying. I, too, have experienced those situations in the beginning of my quit smoking program but I managed to survive and stop the habit by giving up smoking. Articles about my stories as a chain smoker and how I get out from smoking cigarettes may not be as good as those articles in the books of many quit smoking experts but I tell you I am now living a life of a smoke free individual. I only used my techniques to quit smoking and the methods I achieved in my research about smoking cessation, intervention, quit smoking cigarettes articles, stop smoking programs and procedures and other stuff that deals with the no smoking world. The lessons on how you can quit smoking in this blog can really help you to kick this bad and terrible habit. You just have to be open-minded and I am sure you can be on the right track.

Quit smoking procedures for beginners will actually be my sanctuary in giving away free tips to help quit smoking. I will answer the questions on how to quit smoking that a lot of people are asking nowadays. Living in a free world doesn’t mean that you can do whatever you want but should consider the good and the bad. Smoking is bad. No question about it and should consider by every individual to be a vise that is very difficult to beat. This is an addiction that few people manage to combat. It is a kind of addiction that is very hard to conquer especially when the addiction built a strong dependency to the body, physically and emotionally. But as I have said earlier in this post, it is possible to quit smoking and by doing so you can achieve the benefits which has long term positive effect than smoking. Come on people, give it a try. Quit smoking cigarette and live a healthier life.

Don’t be afraid in trying your methods to quit smoking as this is the starting stage of quitting smoking process. For beginners like you, it is important to avoid being discouraged by anything or anyone because it is the motivation and concentration that really helps in quitting smoking. Be happy that you actually have the decision in the first stage and the big steps always start in your first small steps. I can tell that you are determine to quit smoking so continue your plans and stand up for your advocacy. I am in the same situation before. I can’t help but smoke because I am afraid of nicotine withdrawal symptoms that I may be experiencing when I take the action to quit smoking. But I stand for what is right and fortunately, I managed to quit by means of reapplying the quit smoking methods and remembering the negative side effects of smoking in my health. It is my health that is at risk, not anybody’s health so it is I who will decide to quit smoking for good. Surprisingly, I gain not only my life back but the knowledge and the willingness to help others when I quit smoking.

Make it happen…

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