Choosing the Best Methods to Help Quit Smoking

First Step in Quitting Smoking

Every quit smoking methods I tried to overcome my addiction to nicotine helped me to become closer in my success in quitting smoking and turn out to be an important preparation to effectively beat the addiction. All that quit smoking methods, even if it has little effects, still helped me discover what quit smoking methods are suitable for me and can be effective in terms of giving up the habit. I tried every procedures and all tips to help quit smoking I found on the internet and in my research and by analyzing which one is the best method to help me quit smoking, I successfully managed to kick the terrible habit and become a non-smoker which gave me benefits that I am enjoying now with my family and loved ones. I am grateful that I quit smoking and I believe it is the best decision I made in my entire existence. I am sure that all may agree with me because we know that there are no special effects on smoking cigarette and all you will get are fatal diseases and complications to your health. Even if people justifies that smoking can relieve tension and stress, it is still a bad habit in the end. More and more people are getting hooked to the habit and no one seems to care or even if they are not serious in quitting smoking and does not establishes a good and best ways to give up cigarettes. It is become a wide spread problem that is difficult to overcome due to the fact that there are discipline and self-control involve when quitting smoking. The methods that we can use in beating nicotine addiction can only be effective if the smoker is fully willing to sacrifice the pleasure he gets when he is smoking cigarette. Plenty of procedures have been studied and found to be an effective way to eliminate the cravings to nicotine but still there are lots of chain smokers that cannot get their feet into action and can’t get the accomplishment to quit smoking. I am so proud, and everyone who manages to stop smoking should be, that I am able to give up the habit and enjoys the benefits of quitting smoking which are very hard to attain.

Get up into the action and quit smoking before you realize that smoking build a lot of effects to your health. Here are some best methods to help quit smoking which are proven to be very effective if combined with and self control, self-discipline, motivation, determination, will power and all terms you can think of which are related to these words.

Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

A known quit smoking method for beginners that will help you quit smoking is quitting cold turkey. If you chose this method, you should understand that it requires a lot of control and will power to deal with the nicotine cravings and plenty of preparation to overcome the nicotine withdrawal symptoms that may or can experience when a sudden stop occurs. You should be ready to quit smoking and in your attempt to when you pick this quit smoking methods because you need all the motivation and strength in the world to be able to quit smoking and beat the habit. You should be more than willing to accept the truth that you need to stop smoking because you love your self more than you love the habit. You must believe in you ability to control that one puff of cigarette and sacrifice the pleasure you feel whenever you have a cigarette in your mouth. The truth is, there are many activities that can bring the same pleasure and even more fun to do besides smoking. You can engage in physical activities that can eliminate the thought that you need to smoke again. This will allow your mind to be busy all the time and stop thinking of smoking again. The success of quitting smoking cold turkey depends on the individual’s will power to control his urge and getting used to it. Quit smoking cold turkey involves a much more hard labor and needs you to be more firm and stronger to quit smoking and never again forever. I will discuss a more detailed version of quitting smoking cold turkey in another post as I need to elaborate this quit smoking method for you to fully understand the secrets behind. But for now, I am telling you that deciding to pick this kind of quit smoking method needs real efforts and quite a much more hard work to gain the best results and have your self quit smoking. If you have the guts and the tough motivation and are determine to really quit smoking, go ahead and choose this strategy as it is an effective quit smoking methods to many individuals who tried this technique.

Quitting Smoking Gradually

If you think that you can quit smoking gradually or you can reduce your smoking, this quit smoking method can give you the answer. Quitting smoking gradually is when you decide to quit smoking slowly or eliminating smoke one at a time or a day at time. Having hooked to cigarettes for a long period of time is not a joke so it is understood that you just can’t give it up until you gradually reducing its intake in your system. Nicotine addiction is a very hard task so one must realize that if he can’t quit smoking cold turkey, after couple of times trying, he should go pick quit smoking gradually strategy to allow the use of nicotine slowly decrease its effects to the system. This quit smoking method will be helpful if done in right attitude and in right approach. You can set a time that you can smoke and you can’t smoke. Stick to it. Likely, you can get rid of the urge if you motivate yourself about your plan. You can start by not smoking after a meal. This will allow your mind not to associate smoking after eating. Again, the effectiveness of this quit smoking method depends on the person’s attitude towards his aspiration to quitting smoking. If he doesn’t feel like giving up cigarette on the time he gradually reducing, he may tend to quit smoking like he did before.

You can also reduce the strength of the “dosage” of nicotine. If you are smoking Marlboro Straight then go for filtered cigarettes to a lighter one and so on and so forth.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy

This quit smoking method starts to bloom in quit smoking world. Nowadays, there are numerous quit smoking products in the market that can replace cigarettes but provides the same effects. Nicotine patches and nicotine gums are few quit smoking products that can be use in nicotine replacement therapy. I am not an expert when it comes to beating nicotine addiction. Just a successful former smoker telling you this quit smoking methods based on my experience. The effects of these methods to quit smoking may vary according to individual’s differences and may somehow not be suitable to everybody. Ask your medical doctor before trying these quit smoking methods to make sure of the results.

Natural Methods to Quit Smoking

There are herbal medicines that can help in the treatment of nicotine addiction. These herbals can ease the sufferings of nicotine withdrawal symptoms and the likes as well. Be sure to pick natural ways to quit smoking that are proven by experts in providing what it is intended. It may harm your system rather that serving you the right action. Be aware that there are herbal medicines that can trigger you to smoke more rather than getting rid of the desire. It is best to secure and advice to quit smoking from a doctor which specializes in this kind of situation.

Never give up on trying quitting smoking. Just be sure of what you are doing and do not be afraid to ask help and support to people whom you trust. Big steps starts in your small steps in quitting smoking and you can be sure that you can gain the benefits and the results you are dreaming of if you are putting your mind to it. I will write individual post for these quit smoking methods in the future so hold on guys as I have many tips to help you quit smoking. I am happy just to help someone quit smoking and live a healthier life for good.

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